#ifndef __MODIFIEDVOLUME_H__ #define __MODIFIEDVOLUME_H__ #include "pdb.h" #include "NNvolume.h" #include "VectorList.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef void (*CalcVHookFcnType)(atom_record *atom,neibour_descr *neibours,int neibour_count); extern CalcVHookFcnType CalcVHookFcn ; /* Called from N_calculate_volume() */ void SaveAtomVertices(int i, atom_record * a, vertex *v1, vertex *v2) ; void N_Calculate_Volumes(file_records *file, int the_method, double volume_max_dist, double distance_check) ; /* [ 1b ] called 1st : Sets up the neighbor calculation and calculates the volume of a whole file . Calls LoopOverNeighbors() & SaveAtomVertices() . */ void NN_Calculate_Volumes (file_records *file, int TheMethod, double VolMaxDist, double DistCheck) ; /* Called from N_calculate_atom_volume(). Similar to N_calculate_vertices(). */ void LoopOverNeighbors(atom_record *atom, neibour_descr *n_atoms,int n_count) ; void Simple_Calculate_Volumes (file_records *file, int TheMethod, double VolMaxDist, double DistCheck) ; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* !__MODIFIEDVOLUME_H__ */